mardi 7 octobre 2008

Lucky me to land a star illustrator!

I can't believe my luck that Lucy Truman was asked to do the cover design for NYMP. She's a real star, and is at the cutting edge illustration company New Division. Just look at this example of her work!

Vive le Tricoleur!

And here's the layout initially chosen for the front cover of NYMP (the illustration would be inserted at a later stage). The red, white and blue is very French, I must say....

(Later note: This layout was eventually replaced by the pink cover we have now, on advice of the cover designers. I would have been sad except I love the candy pink too much!)

Not a pretty sight....

And here is an early working draft of "Nearly Yummy Mummy in Paris"! Can you believe that this mess of scrawlings and post-its could become a novel? I'm trying hard to do just that....

jeudi 2 octobre 2008

All set for publication!

I can't believe that (finally!) "Nearly Yummy Mummy in Paris" is about to be published! But I don't have much time for a glance of champagne or to finesse the finer points of the book. I've got to get the cover sorted, the book libel read, and the medical bits checked by my gynacologist!